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2024-07-14 09:28:42
本内容由小编为大家分享关于艺术类招生简章、美术高考培训班、北京美术培训班、美术高考成绩查询、真题资料等信息。  51美术网讯:国内有八大美院之说,曾有幽默者,以金老笔下的江湖门派而对他们对号入座。而对于国际上的美院排名,能入选榜单前十的院校





  1. Royal Academy of Arts (Royal Academy Schools) 皇家美术学会RAA(皇家美术研究院学校)/英国


  源资料:The oldest college in Britain, offering one of the most extensive studies in art and design, and features the oldest life drawing studio in the country. Students learn from distinguished artists, theorists and practitioners, receiving lecturers and interacting personally in the examination of art. The college offers a customized and focused manner of study that is assisted with work in technical and research facilities. Studies can immerse themselves in different art media like painting, digital media, installation and time-based art, or choosing to try new technology like the digital media workstations. It is solely for the most talented due to limited seats and no tuition fees.

  2. Rhode Island School of Design 罗德岛设计学院/美国


  源资料:Its graduate program was ranked number one in the US News and World Report. Students can pursue their masters and bachelor degree under the categories of design, architecture, fine arts and art education majors. The most coveted being a master program in fine arts where students can specialize in a range of subjects like sculpture, photography, graphic design etc. It has well- equipped studio classes presided by well-informed faculty. Present on the RISD campus is an amazing art museum dedicated to art enlightenment and appreciation through various programs such as lectures, tours, exhibitions, workshops and publications. The most famous RISD alumni is Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the animated series Family Guy.

  3. California Institute of the Arts 加州艺术学院/美国


  源资料:Established by famous duo Walt and Roy Disney, it is the US’s first college to underline an undergraduate and graduate course in the performance and visual art. The faculty is successful professionals who mentor their students to reach their potential and are involved in the numerous programs. CalArts’ students from the Graphic Design and Animation classes can invent in their own private cubicle without disturbances. The college is known for its amiable and unified atmosphere, students from all majors mingle in one building and the interaction is beneficial, especially for building business contacts. Rather than grades, the focus is on results, quality and developing in the field. Relative smallness of the classes allows for personalized attention.

  4. Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf杜塞尔多夫艺术学院/德国


  源资料: Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf: One of Germany’s most premier art schools suited for the elite as evident from its school motto, “For our students only the best.” It offers students a strong faculty to teach film, video architecture, sculpture, integrate fine arts, painting and photography. Workshops run by experienced technical teachers guide and inspire students to perform incredible works. The painting course is in-depth, with the students given a choice to delve into a spectrum of painting concepts under the supervision of talented artists. Complementing the teaching is The Academy Gallery that showcases amazing exhibitions under exciting topics. Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf awards scholarships to deserving students after the jury decides on the most innovative and committed group of artists. Famous international artists such as Thomas Demand, Joseph Beuys, and Andreas Gursky are among the respected alumni of the college.

  5. Edinburgh College of Art 爱丁堡艺术学院/英国


  源资料: Living up to its international status as one of the most flourishing art colleges in Europe, with programs designed for undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees. It promotes the creation and understanding of theories from the art, architecture, design and other related fields. This art college offers exceptional opportunities in artistic pursuits and research in a friendly, collaborative environment. Talented students can display their work in many exhibitions that have a large visitor attendance. For instance, The Edinburgh College of Art Fashion Show is praised as a cultural highlight of the capital whilst its Degree Show is the biggest gallery showing of the remarkable work of graduating designer, artists and architects. Excellent facilities present a space for students to communicate ideas, mingle and laboriously create for their degree. Practice-oriented degree programs have the benefit of studio spaces and specialist technology. Students share resources like the printmaking, metal and wood-working workshops.

  6. Oslo National Academy of the Arts 奥斯陆国立艺术学院/挪威

  补充:奥斯陆国立艺术学院(KHiO,挪威文为Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo)位于挪威首都奥斯陆,是挪威最大的高等教育在艺术领域的教育学院,拥有超过550名学生,200名员工和超过900名客座教师。

  奥斯陆国立艺术学院开设有本科和研究生专业,比如美术,陶瓷,金属,纺织及图形艺术,时装设计和服装设计,室内建筑和家具设计,视觉传播,古典芭蕾,现代 舞和当代舞,爵士舞,表演,导演,服装设计,导演,舞蹈编排等等。除此之外,奥斯陆国立艺术学院目前还为其学生提供两个培训课程:舞蹈实践教育计划和一年制歌剧学习课程。

  源资料:Norway’s largest college for art students with 550 seats available, employing 200 faculty members and an additional 900 guest teachers and other teachers on short term contracts. Each staff member is a learned and venerated practitioner in their field. Currently, 24 programs are outlined for study at The Faculty of Performing Arts, The Department of Design, Visual Arts and The Art Academy; the four divisions of the Academy. The Academy sponsors a variety of cultural activities in different themes that attract the public’s attention to the college’s innovation.

  7. Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) 索邦巴黎第四大学艺术学院/法国


  源资料:This prestigious art institute is a thriving foundation immersed in encouraging education in Languages, Literature, Arts, Civilizations, Humanities and Social Sciences. The University is reputed for its rich culture and tradition as well as its accumulation of quality researchers and employees, who develop the University’s scientific reputation by their regular contribution to publications. Adaptation to the latest advancements and maintaining an environment of free thought and self-improvement helps the students to progress in their field. The University’s Cultural Department endeavors to make it the cultural center of Paris, supporting the participation of students in nearly hundreds of events such as concerts, meetings, debates, exhibitions, projections and representations which attract a large public attendance. Students receive aid in many forms for their activities, from financial to technical assistance. Workshops organized by the Department are pertinent to the studies; both the traditional and original workshops (poetic and narrative writing workshops) hone the student’s talents.

  8. The Art Institute of Chicago 芝加哥艺术学院/美国

  源资料:A world famous college associated with a renowned museum within which one can admire the artworks like the American Gothic by Grant Wood. The college’s education is diverse; it combines studio instruction with traditional handiwork, meaning exposure to figure modeling and weaving looms. Students can also avail of updated facilities like computer woodworking routers. Educational staff is practicing professionals who are acquainted with a multidisciplinary curriculum. With an interdisciplinary system, students are motivated to take different classes and the expertise acquired will count for their major. In an atmosphere that demands hard work and innovation, testing one’s limits in the path of self-discovery is lauded.

  9. Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design 中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院/英国

  源资料:CSM is a union of an art college and a cultural center that inspires and stirs the creative mind of its students with the help of talented staff. It offers undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees, taught by experts in the field and accompanied by associate lecturers. The CSM library receives regular visitors for its large and assorted collection of books and periodicals on art, design, fashion and culture as well is favorable for its incredible collection of DVDs that students can rent or watch on the library’s televisions. The college’s presence is vibrantly felt in the many shows, publications, research materials and events it sanctions in the desire to make it one of the country’s cultural capitals. Participation is expected from the thriving arts and design community in partnership with the student and staff body.

  10. Ruskin School (Oxford University) 鲁斯金艺术学院( 牛津大学的艺术学院别称, 文凭拿的是牛津大学文凭)/英国


  源资料:This art college offers a three year BFA course for students to work in studios in collaborative endeavors with their peers from Oxford’s other courses. Oxford aims to parent their students into independent, mature thinkers with a contemplative outlook on contemporary art. An ambitious, stimulating atmosphere motivates students to study and build a strong structure to utilize the best resources of the school, which include group interaction and tête-à-tête time with visiting artists and tutors.


  Royal College of Art(RCA) 皇家艺术学院RCA(英国)(***注1)

  Yale University 耶鲁大学(附属美术学院) (美国)

  Goldsmiths, university of London戈德史密斯学院/伦敦大学美院(英国) (***注2)

  Slade School of Fine Art,UCL 斯莱德艺术学院(英国)(***注3)

  Art Center Pasadena帕萨迪纳艺术学院(美国)

  Berlin University of the Art 柏林艺术大学(德国)

  Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam桑德伯格艺术研究生院(荷兰)

  University of California, Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校 (美国)

  Akademie der Bildenden Muchen 慕尼黑造型艺术学院 (德国)

  Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main 法兰克福大学艺术学院 (德国,不好意思我德文不好只能这样翻译)

  Otis Parsons, USA奥蒂斯美术学院 (美国)

  Chelsea School of Art and Design, London 英国切尔西艺术与设计学院(英国)

  Cranbrook Academy of Art美国克莱恩布鲁克艺术研究学院 (美国)

  (注1)Royal College of Art和之前Royal Academy of Arts很多人其实很难区分…

  在英国, 皇家艺术学院(RCA)其实也一直在和 皇家美术学会研究院(RAA)相互暗中较劲。理论上,皇家美术研究院RAA的历史和地位都比皇家艺术学院RCA略高一筹,但皇家美术学会(RAA)实在是入取标准太高,最低要求是艺术类的荣誉学士,还要看社会背景,每年入取也只有不到20人;而皇家艺术学院RCA则相对宽松,入取的人数比前者多得多。

  此外,皇家美术研究院RAA学制三年,只授予 Postgraduate Diploma,相当于比硕士低一等,比荣誉学士高一等的文凭;而皇家艺术学院RCA,学制两年就能拿硕士文凭,三年拿博士文凭。这样,很尴尬的让英国很多年青艺术学生站到RCA那边,为他们摇旗助威。英国本地艺术杂志Modern Painters在2011年的英国本地的艺术学院排名,甚至还把RCA排到RAA前面。



  (注2)Goldsmiths, university of London戈德史密斯学院, 伦敦大学


  (注3)Slade School of Fine Art,UCL 斯莱德艺术学院

  斯莱德艺术学院,就英国本地人感觉而言,感觉和 歌登史密斯学院(金匠学院)、爱丁堡艺术学院、中央圣马丁艺术学院差不多,仅次于RAA、RCA之下……除了之前提到开挂的那个世界第十的鲁斯金美院是有牛津撑腰外、提供文凭外,歌德史密斯学院(金匠学院)在香港较为出名,而在韩国则中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院较有名气。斯莱德艺术学院则是在英国本地则更受欢迎,顺便说一句,Slade貌似也开挂,这所艺术学院是世界综合大学排名第17的‘英伦大学学院UCL’附属美院,文凭貌似是拿UCL的。




